Fridges & Pantries

a colorful fridge house stocked with essentials and a white refrigerator.

We currently have 4 fridges and 7 pantries in the Salem/Keizer area. The fridges are stocked by the community with ready-to-go meals, and essentials like yogurt, cheese, fresh packaged veggies, fruit cups, milk and alternatives, and water. The pantries are stocked with canned and boxed foods, hygiene essentials, harm reduction and personal protection equipment. We require a current food handler’s card to prepare ready-to-go meals. As long as the canned and boxed goods are not expired, anyone can put those directly into the fridges and pantries.

Sandwich Squad

a sandwich with meats and fresh lettuce on a plate with sliced pickles and chips. the plate of food is resting on a black and red checkered tablecloth.

In 2021, we started a twice a week Sandwich Squad where we serve up sandwiches, salads, and other delicious goodness to our houseless neighbors at various parks around town. We need volunteers with a current food handler’s card to make nourishing dishes and other volunteers serve up the food for our neighbors. We also offer various things at Sandwich Squad like harm reduction, and hot weather protection.

We always need volunteer sandwich makers and sandwich servers.